Crab Tree Farm Outdoor Self-Guided Tour 1PM
An Autumn Stroll at Crab Tree Farm
Join us for a look at the art, architecture, and gardens of Crab Tree Farm, Saturday September 26 at 1pm.
For your convenience, a digital map will be provided to guide you to designated markers with QR codes along your route as you explore the property. Using your camera app on your phone or iPad, simply scan the code to learn more about where you’re standing and what you’re viewing. You’ll be surprised at how much there is to learn!
History Center docents and volunteers will be available at certain points to guide you and answer questions.
Please note that for your safety and others, this tour will be almost entirely outside – the Lodge, which features the Arts and Crafts style furniture of Gustav Stickley, will be available for a walk-through.
Here’s what you need to know:
This tour will be largely self-guided. At 1pm a History Center docent will provide an overview of the history of the farm and directions for the tour. To ensure that you know where to go, please be sure to arrive as close to 1:00 as possible.
For the self-guided portion of your walk, you will receive a digital map that will guide you to several designated markers with QR codes. Scan the QR code with your phone or iPad camera to discover the history of your location and what you’re viewing.
The route will take about 60-90 minutes to walk if you stop at each designated marker, though you can skip any stop along the route.
Some (not-so-optional) guidelines:
You must observe the Illinois state requirements for COVID-19. Always wear masks indoors and social distance while on Crab Tree Farm property with those outside your household. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of fresh air and green spaces for all!
Do not enter the animal barn, or chase or feed any animal you may encounter on your walk. Relax and enjoy watching the cows graze and the swans drift peacefully on the pond.
Please remember and be respectful of the fact that this is a family home. Photography is strictly prohibited indoors and you are asked to limit outdoor photography as well. No photos may be posted on social media.
Do not walk or drive down the east roads to the neighbors’ property (there will be signs posted as reminders).
Please note that there are no bathroom facilities available for public usage.
All of these precautions will make your visit to this pastoral paradise more enjoyable.
*Feel free to bring a picnic lunch! (Just don't leave any snacks for the critters;)