Newsletters - League of Women Voters
The collection of organizational newsletters for the League of Women Voters starts in 1955 and runs through 2018. It encompasses a shift from a mailed, paper newsletter to an emailed, digital newsletter.
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How to search:
- Click on the link for the years of the League newsletters you would like to review. From here, you can scroll through the document or download the PDF file to your own device by using the down arrow icon at the upper right.
- You can also search the document from here by pressing (at the same time) the CTRL key plus the F key on your keyboard (the "Find" command). This should bring up a search box near the top of your screen - you can type into this box and search the document by any keyword you like (a topic like "school board"; a last name like "Hixon," etc.). It will find and highlight any instances of this keyword in the document. You can navigate between them using the arrows to the right of the search box.